What is Elite Matchmakers LLP?
Founded and headed by Charu Babbar, Elite Matchmakers LLP is a legal entity registered under the Limited Liability Act 2008. True to its name, it offers a dignified, confidential, and personalized alternative to traditional matrimony and online matchmaking experience, where matchmaking meets relationship consulting. Our tried-and-true Strategic Matchmaking methodology combines cutting-edge algorithms, executive recruiting techniques, and conventional matchmaking intuition. While you’re busy living your life, we want to help you meet the love of your life.
What sets Elite Matchmakers apart from other matchmaking services?
At Elite, we pride ourselves on using the executive search method, an approach inspired by the meticulousness of top-tier recruitment firms. Our emphasis on compatibility ensures that we don’t just find dates for our clients, but potential life partners. The extensive and proven six-step process helps us to thoroughly understand the client’s personality, aspirations, emotional quotient, and partner preferences. We heavily thrive on the harmonious compatibility of two personalities.
What is the proven "six-step" process?

The process sets us apart from our competition. Once you express your interest to engage in the process, I will personally meet you to walk through the following six steps.

  • Profiling – To know you and your personality.
  • Benchmark – To understand your discriminative preferences.
  • Screening – start the screening and search for the compatible.
  • Selection – To shortlist and screen the compatibles.
  • Meeting – To introduce and arrange the date.
  • Evaluation – To gather feedback and evaluate.
Do I get Dating Advice and pre and post-marriage coaching?
Yes, throughout your membership. Elite Matchmakers has two founding members and Vikas Sharma, fondly known as “Pal” is also a renowned Relationship Counsellor and Mental Health therapist (www.beingsorted.com). We offer unlimited complimentary sessions on relationship coaching, which undoubtedly play an indispensable role in enhancing the overall experience and success of individuals throughout their romantic journey. Such sessions are extremely helpful in building strong foundations, enhancing self-awareness, conflict resolution, navigating premarital concerns, adapting to married life, maintaining connections, developing a holistic approach, and most importantly addressing dating and marriage-related curiosities and anxieties.
How do you ensure the quality of matches?
I, the Founder and CEO, personally meet each prospective client and member to conduct the “Personality Profiling” session. I take a hands-hold approach, diving deep into each client’s personality, preferences, and life goals. Beyond algorithms, our focus is on genuine human understanding to curate the most compatible matches.
Is my information confidential?
Absolutely. Discretion and privacy are of utmost importance to us. Your personal details and any information shared with us will always remain strictly confidential and will only be used for matchmaking purposes. Since we offer an exclusive service to our all-esteemed clients, which means no support staff is ever involved or has access to any profile information. I act as your very personal searcher.
How do you determine compatibility?
Compatibility is multi-faceted. It’s a blend of shared values, life goals, personal interests, and personalities. We take into consideration all these aspects, combining our in-depth profiling with our expertise to curate matches. The intake process is mandatory to sign-up for all prospective clients and members. This is being conducted in person with each client. The “Profiling” and “Benchmark” process is extremely robust and detailed to know the client almost 360 degrees. Based on the responses provided during the intake process by two prospective and potential individuals, we match and generate the Harmony Quotient Score of the two and introduce it accordingly.
What is the sign-up process and what’s the journey like from there?

The PROFILING process through a “Walk the Talk” approach is a mandatory and important first step of the journey. I will meet each potential “Client” and the “Member” in person to conduct it, which is almost a 90–120-minute discussion. These meetings may happen at the Clients’ place and schedule of convenience.

Post successful Intake process, we may, mutually, decide on a signup, and we start the search based on client preferences. When we find potential matches, you’ll be introduced based on mutual agreement.
Where does this PROFILING process meeting will be held and who else will be part of it?
The meeting may be held at a place Client/Member’s discretion, it can be at their house/office / café or a mutually decided meeting place. This crucial meeting happens strictly between the Founder & CEO and the Client in strict confidentiality. We strongly discourage the presence of parent/guardian/sibling/or for that matter any other person during the PROFILING process. However, we may have a follow-up meeting with the parent/guardian but all discussions with the client will remain confidential. The client may at their discretion share the excerpts of the discussion with anyone they wish to discuss.
Do I get to meet matches directly?
Yes Absolutely. Once both parties find compatibility and show interest, we arrange a get-to-know date to take it forward.
How many matches will I be introduced to?
Quality and Compatibility is our mantra. While the number of introductions varies, we emphasize meaningful connections over quantity. Our goal is to find the best fit for you, no matter how long it takes.
What if I don't click with my match?
That’s okay. Not every introduction will result in a connection. We take feedback seriously and will refine our search based on your experiences and preferences.
How much does your service cost?
Our pricing details are personalized based on the needs of each client. We recommend reaching out for a detailed overview.
Is there an agreement or a contract period or time commitment?
Yes. Post the sign-up, we expect a memorandum of understanding to be signed with the client covering the details on the scope of services, our deliverables, period, confidentiality, refund policy, payment terms, data protection, and dispute resolution.
Who are your typical clients?
Our clientele primarily consists of Conscious Leaders, High Net-worth Individuals, Busy Professionals, Top Executives, Entrepreneurs, Splitsvilles, Busy Parents, Mature Individuals, Eligible bachelors with Special Needs, and those who value privacy and a tailored approach to finding love. We work with the age group 25 and above.
Can I pause my membership?
Certainly, life can be unpredictable, and if you need to take a break, we offer the ability to pause your membership for a defined period.
What if I find a match on my own during my membership?
Congratulations! Our aim is your happiness. If you find love outside our services, just let us know, and we can discuss pausing or terminating your membership.
Why do I need Elite Matchmakers?

Numerous accomplished individuals seem to have every treasure life can offer, yet often lack that one crucial element: the companionship of a remarkable partner. In today’s modern times, for various aspects of your life, we engage with professionals, be it legal counsel, wellness coaches, or financial advisors. Why not a professional matchmaker as well, who is always on your side?

We offer the skill to manage well-planned, extremely personalized, and customized Premium Matchmaking Search Services blended with strict confidentiality and sensitivity. The “Special Search Package” is as unique as your personality, your cultural values, and your life partner preferences. Our “Special Search Packages” are classically designed to meet your discriminative taste to help you to go beyond physical, academic, astrological, and financial compatibility criteria but also focus on the emotional, mental, and cultural criteria of the two individuals and their families. Our emphasis is on introducing compatible personalities.
Major difference between a “Client” and a “Member”?

We accept membership at two levels: as a “Client” or as a “Member”.

The Client – are men and women who retain our services through a premium fee-based membership. Like executive search, pricing is Flexible and considers the scope and complexity of each individual search. We work with clients through a defined MoU/Contract. Each agreement covers a specific number of introductions over a specific time period. Introductions could be made with other clients, with candidates from our candidate database, with people we specifically recruited for you from our wide networks, or even through unique marketing initiatives.

The Members – are high-calibre eligible bachelor men and women, who are ready for a long-term, committed relationship but are not yet ready to invest in a client membership plan. This program is 100% complimentary – no fees to sign-up/join or to get matched. There is a nominal Intake-fee to cover our administrative expenses to complete the intake session. Upon completing a confidential profile, candidates are eligible to be matched with Elite clients. However, we will only reach out to a member when they have identified a two-way fit with one of our clients. Even though we might not immediately have a match for you, we are constantly working with new clients who might be the ideal match for you. As an Elite member, you have nothing to lose and the love of your life to gain.

How will you protect my privacy?
Privacy is the foundation of our service. Our clients and members lead busy professional and public lives. We value discretion and privacy highly. We guarantee that your personal information will never be shared outside the scope of the search. Only the Founding Members have access to your information and your consent is required before sharing personal contact information with a potential match.
What you will provide me about my matches?
We will present you with matches that meet the preferences indicated within your benchmarking parameters. These presentations, which will be sent via email, include current pictures, relevant information about the person, as well as a subjective assessment. The details provided include personality indicators, physical appearance, how they present themselves, lifestyle, education, profession, religious and faith affiliations, and interests. Our goal is to present a comprehensive profile along with the Harmony Compatibility document, allowing you to feel as though you’ve already met them.
How can I join as a member?
You can privately register with our complimentary candidate program by paying a nominal Intake Fee. As soon as you express your interest to register as a member, I will personally set up an intake, benchmark, and screening process, identically like a Client sign-up process. Rest assured; your profile is confidential all the time.
Do I have to submit a photograph?

A candidate profile is not complete without a image. Few guidelines for an ideal profile photo are:

  • Choose a Clear and Recent Photo – Select a high-quality photo that is clear, well-lit, and accurately represents your current appearance.
  • Smile and Look Approachable – A warm smile and approachable expression can make a positive first impression.
  • Show Your Face – Make sure your face is clearly visible in the photo. Avoid using group images or pictures where your face is moderately covered.
  • Use Natural Lighting – Natural light can enhance your photo’s quality. Avoid using overly bright or artificial lighting.
  • Dress Neatly and Appropriately – Wear attire that reflects your personality and the occasion. Dressing well can help showcase your style and confidence.
  • Avoid Distractions – Choose a background that is simple and not distracting. The focus should be on you.
  • Be Genuine – Your photo should reflect your true self. Avoid using heavily edited or filtered images that might misrepresent your appearance.
  • Maintain Eye Contact – Looking directly into the camera can create a sense of connection.
  • Keep it Current – Use a recent photo to provide an accurate representation of your current appearance. We recommend photos not older than 6 months.
  • Consider Professional Help - If you’re unsure, consider seeking the help of a professional photographer to capture a flattering and genuine image.
What is the membership duration?

Our memberships are typically for 6 months and 12 months.

Remember, the goal is to present yourself and your lifestyle authentically and positively, helping potential matches get a clear sense of who you are.

Our goal is to present a comprehensive profile about your match, allowing you to feel as though you’ve already met them.